America is one among the continents which gained
independence in earlier times even though
their nationalist were arrest and deported and also killed. Some nationalist who were political were eliminated through
banning of their political parties. This
was to make them weaker and lose
their convincing power towards their independence but the Americans did not give up. The American leader started their rebellion by burning and looting the Europeans offices and also killing them. The American leaders decided to form a federal government which was to provide common deference for all states, deal with international trade, pay foreign debts , establish federal courts. The federal government was also to admit new states and also settle disputes among the states. During their last struggle for independence the federal Government declared a war against their colonizers by giving strict orders to all states to fight for their better tomorrow. This enabled the Americans to become super power up to date having the best war weapons and it has conquered many countries hence becoming the best among the GREAT 8. America is at the top because it has the best war weapons the richest and also best economy.
The first images below represent the Americans during their struggle for independence and how they fought till they become a republic and the second image represents the american after attaining their independence.

America did extra efforts in their continent before they became leading continent among the G8 . they raised their living standard , their economy and their weapon of war became the best in world and also their technology is leading in the world.
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